But then with that there would need to be a few safety devices put in place /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif, Such as a hood kill so that the truck won't start if the hood is open, (working on the motor). That would ensure that a purge cycle only occurs when needed, and not everytime. But this sequence will only take place if the ignition is off, AND WVO pump is off, so that a purge cycle won't occur while driving. Once the motor gets below say 160, it will start, purge for about 15 seconds, and shut off. So in a perfect world, I would want almost an autostart, the trigger being the the temp switch. Consep Electric - Purge control from brake switch or timer relay. We can add other features as we go, but I think this will work as a starting point. Translations in context of purge timer in English-German from Reverso Context: The. Since the timer relay won't pull a lot of current, I'd probably use it to power a bigger relay to handle anything over 1A. Extra triggers won't effect it while it's timing out, but a long trigger will act as multiple triggers (if you keep the trigger grounded longer then the timer, then you will start the timer over again.) It would then reset and be ready to trigger again after timing out. The timer will power-up off and pull in the relay for the timer length only when the trigger is grounded. You may also need to swap out R4 from a 1.2k to a. If you do, then RL will need to change from a 12VDC to a 5VDC relay. You will probably need to run the power thru this power regulator to provide stable power. If you change R1 from 100k to 20k, then your circuit will run from ~2 to 20 seconds. I would drop SW and trigger off of ground. I did some research and came up with this timer circuit. And of course there is the master ON/OFF/AUTO switch. The concern has come up that about the system purging everytime you shut off the truck, and for those who make frequent stops, I can see that being a problem. Ideally, what I am thinking right now is something that will use the temp switch as a trigger. However he is quite busy, and we were just tossing around a few ideas. I am actually talking with a guy right now who is an electronic engineer.